Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops 

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Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops

Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drop is a lubricant. This eye drop is applied to treat dry eyes. The product lubricates the eyes, providing relief from discomfort and temporary burning. This also facilitates the healing of corneal burns as it develops a soothing layer to reduce irritation and protect the damaged cornea.

Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops are to be instilled whenever needed. Put the number of drops advised by your physician. Deliver any other medications in the same eye at least 5-10 minutes after applying Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drop to avoid mixture. Use a bottle if the seal is broken before you open it, if the solution changes color, or becomes cloudy. Always wash your hands and do not touch the end of the dropper to avoid infection in your eye.

Medical Benefits:-

Normally, your eyes provide enough natural tears to make moving them easy and comfortable and eliminate dust and other particles. But if they fail to produce tears, they get dry, reddish, and painful. These are caused due to wind, sun, heating, computer work, and other medications. The Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drop keeps lubricating your eyes and relieves any dryness and pain that may occur in them. This medication is safe to use with limited side effects. If you are wearing soft contact lenses, you should remove them before applying the drops.

What are Sodium Hyaluronate eye drops used for?

Sodium Hyaluronate is an eye-lubricating drop that helps in overcoming dry eye conditions. It prevents your eye from irritation caused by contact lenses or dryness in the atmosphere and serves as a medicated drop used to treat abrasions of cornea. The clear front covering of the eyes is called the cornea; the scratch caused on it during the injury or any other causes is known as a corneal abrasion.

How to use Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops?

It is available only for external use. This medication is used as prescribed by the doctor with the dosage and the period for application. Use the label’s directions for guidance. The dropper should be placed near your eye, and not touched against it. Release a few drops and then let them go under your lower eyelid. Rinse the surplus liquid off the eye.


  • Your doctor has recommended Sodium Hyaluronate in the treatment of dry eye disease.
  • It stabilizes the natural tear film and allows necessary lubrication so your eyes won’t dry up and get irritated.
  • May need long-term use.
  • Apply pressure over the inner angle of the eye (next to the nose), for approximately 1 minute, soon after instilling the drop.
  • Wait for at least 5-10 minutes before again instilling medication to the same eye so as not to dilute this also.
  • A stinging sensation may be felt for 1-2 minutes. Report to your doctor if it lasts longer.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ):-

Q. Does Sodium Hyaluronate blur the vision?

Yes. Sometimes, sodium hyaluronate blurs vision. Nevertheless, this lasts only for an amount of time and thus is not worthy of any care. After installation of the eye drop, blink to ensure it’s covering the surface through the eye lens several times to allow spreading.

Q. How do you use Sodium Hyaluronate?

You must use Sodium Hyaluronate precisely as directed by your doctor. Avoid touching the top of the container and take precautions to prevent it from touching the eye or eyelid. With someone’s assistance, open the eyelid and instill 1-2 drops in the eye. Do not use any eye drop/eye ointment for at least 15 minutes to avoid washout.

Q. I wear contact lenses, may I use Sodium Hyaluronate?

Yes, you can use contact lenses with Sodium Hyaluronate. It will depend on your doctor about whether you could use the drops with contact lenses in place or if you must remove the lenses and then apply the drops.

Additional information




Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops 0.1% w/v